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Vaccination: Risk Communication & Community Engagement

The need for community preparedness to tackle COVID was the driving force behind this leg of the COLLECT initiative. Beginning mid-April, 2021, the initiative shifted to health administration and the need for behavioural change among community members towards Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) and Vaccination. With the aim of bridging the last mile gaps, we focus on marginalised hamlets within each district. Data from the latest Vaccination survey across 70 districts can be found here.

Training Hamlet level volunteers on COVID Appropriate Behaviour and addressing vaccine hesitancy. Facilitating them to make informed decisions about vaccinations.

Enhancing the capacity of volunteers to help them take the message of CAB to communities and building a localised group of informed individuals

Linking the community with

the local health services and administration for early COVID testing, treatment and vaccination

Our objectives


Leave No one Behind Hamlets: We target hamlets that are often excluded even from the village level decision making processes and basic infrastructure. These are hamlets and clusters that are habituated by Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Denotified & Nomadic Tribes, Muslims, sex workers and transgender communities; and within them, we focus on those further marginalised because of identities of age (children, elderly), gender and disability.

Our fellows are also members hailing from these hamlets, who are then trained on research and analysis.  In that sense, we hope to capacitate a cadre of community volunteers towards social accountability and monitoring the situation in their hamlets.

Vaccination Survey Dashboard

( Data collection: 20 December 2021-10 Jan 2022)

The aim of this survey was to understand the outreach of the government's vaccination drive. Our fellows collected information from 100 households in each hamlet with details about the vaccination status of family members, source of information about vaccination and decision making. Data was also collected from identified marginalised identities (Pregnant women, persons with disabilities, trans and non binary persons). The dashboard below showcases the key findings from this survey.

Next Steps: 

  • Our fellows and district coordinators will analyse the data on vaccination and develop plans for increasing the percentage of vaccinated persons in their hamlets

  • Our fellows will also support and liaison with local administration to help facilitate access to vaccines

11 States

70 Districts

560 Hamlets

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